Waterperry Church
Showing posts with label angela_delglyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angela_delglyn. Show all posts

Monday, 20 July 2020

Facing forward

Channeling 280620


There is a power greater than any human force could envisage that is steering the future of this planet.  It will soon be a matter for this greater authority to determine the outcome of this time.  There are those who would bring about the demise of your civilisation; this will not be allowed to happen, but you will meet many difficulties on this journey.


There will be a lot of emotional difficulty to get through before the populace can start to move forward.  Many people will find it difficult to move through this time and many will give up.  This will be a time of tempering – to see who has the reserve and who does not.  It will be a time of sadness to watch as some fall by the wayside.  It will be a time of hope and despair, and sadness will weigh heavy upon these times.  But the only way is forward. 


You will be aided by this higher power that will be felt as a unifying energy that can be channeled through you by key members of your society.  These people will act as beacons among you and will be a source of power, strength and hope.  These people must be guarded at all cost, because there will still be dark forces trying to undermine their presence, but you must not be afraid.  There will be access to certain powers to support your progress. 


The light in your body will increase and it will be difficult to hide, and so you will need some (external) protection.  The support you give to people will break the grip that fear has upon them; it will be equivalent to touch.  You will sit among people at their own level and bring them great comfort, help to unify them, help them to see their strengths and what can tie them together.  Help to bring them comfort and know they have the strength to work together to move forward.  

Bring people together in small units; help them to remember unison, help them to work as a team, help them to be self-sufficient; stay out of the city.  It is your role to be a model, to guide others forward.

We must build a bridge to your heart


You’re being shown this information at this time for a reason that will come into view soon.  It is not yet ready for us to show you, but be assured when the time arrives you will understand.  There will be big changes coming soon and you will be a part of them because you are ready.  You will be called to rally the troops and it will be your responsibility to instil their task and role into them.  

The Fellowship of Community

The fellowship of your local community is going to be your new best friend in the coming years.  If you don’t already, you are going to have to play by the same rules as everyone else and fairness will be the order of the day.   It’s time to starting working together as a whole if we are to find new ways of going forward from here.


Simply put, the vast amounts of waste that have been in order for too many years will now go by the wayside in favour of well thought out ways to deliver the things we need for daily living.


Businesses will be built up around what is necessary, not what is purposeless.  There will be no use for models which are not community oriented at their heart, for this time is all about what we can create to exist together in our own communities.  And we must take care of those around us who are less able.


Some places will find it relatively easy to do this but inner cities will have to be more inventive.  However, everything is possible with some lateral thinking, and there are a lot of inventive people around.


The main thing will to help those more vulnerable to get through these changes by including and encouraging them, for they all have a valuable contribution to make to our communities.


The singular approach will be of value to a degree, but as a part of the larger foundation.  As each person has different skills, there will be some scope for the individuals, but more will find it better to start working in small groups and bringing their creativity out together.

Channeling for the collective 2

Channeling for the Collective 22nd May 2020


The challenges going forward for the many will be about having very little ability to see ahead, and an inability to relate to the past or a future.  Everything is uncertain.


No one thing seems apparent; there is just a constant feeling of uncertainty.  This must be overcome, and we must learn how to make choices and decisions that are right for us in the moment, even when we can’t see the wood for the trees.


This will of course mean making decisions by how we feel, because that will be reliable in the moment. 


There will be a great deal of anxiety because of this uncertainty, because of wanting to react and rush ahead, because of course, there is no going back.  But rush ahead into what?   Uncertainty means we don’t know what lies ahead and therefore we are creating our own future every single day.


Not knowing will eventually be something we get used to as we become more adaptable, and by doing so, we will learn to tune into our values much more – what is important to us as individuals.  It will be difficult to see the bigger picture, for that hasn’t even emerged.  Instead, we will know only the microcosm in which we live or exist. 


Simultaneously, we will find ourselves having to respond to new situations; then it would be wise to look to how these new situations are affecting the whole, and not just ourselves, because when we move forward as a collective we will be stronger. 


Survival will be uppermost in the minds of many – survival at all costs, but really, what does that mean?  There are many perceptions around survival but it’s difficult to understand what that will mean for the generations to come.  There are infinite possibilities, just as there are infinite choices.  All must be considered in a moment, at a moments’ notice. 


Inevitably, we will find difficulty learning these new ways of being and there will be disagreements, and feuding, but we must learn to make peace with each other.  We must learn to re-engage with community.   The task of re-learning is symbolic of these new times; change is becoming very real now and all must play their part.   We must care for those who find these new times difficult and ensure we all move forward together. 


We will become like nomads in our own time; despite having roots in the earth, we will feel unsettled, and that will become normal.  But when we link arms with each other, we will find solace and comfort in the need and care of each other. 


Bringing together that which we know already will support us in these times of change, and even as we cling to what we are attached to, so we will see ourselves reaching for what is obviously of value and ignoring what can be left behind.  


Multitudes will feel lost if they try to look to the wider picture now; for the time being we can only focus on our own piece of the world and try to rearrange those pieces into something sustainable.  


Forever is a long time, but so is tomorrow when you are born.  Take care of those you love in the nighttime; stem their fears; hold them in your arms; build their confidence.  Help them to grow in trust and learning.  Help them to become a part of the global movement for truth and sincerity.  As each community puts down roots, may we all take pride in joining together to become stronger. 


Channeling for the collective

Channeling for the collective 7th May 2020


Looking out from a point of darkness, beyond recently loosened chains, onto a bright future, there is a clown in full make up juggling.  Behind him is an elephant, posing as instructed.  They stand upon a bright green field, signifying hope and anticipation, but the large elephant seems rather out of place, as he performs the tricks he is told to.


Unsure whether to emerge, whether to step into this garish future, not sure it’s safe, we hesitate.  Emerging from incarceration into false hope can seem precarious.


We must proceed with caution and use our own moral compass to dictate the way.  Great fortitude will be required to stay calm and balanced in the face of much drama, but fear not, because change always brings drama. 


We must be strong and resolute in our own knowing, and know that only by taking the next step can we indeed create the future.  If we work as one, and take each step forward together, we will be a force that is not to be trifled with.  We’ll be a force of hope and solidarity, a force to be reckoned with. 


Enjoy the time you have now, with your own thoughts, feelings and families, for it will soon be over, and then you will have to think carefully about each new day and how to proceed.  Bring forth your own reserves of inner strength and courage; build them up in readiness.  Do not allow others to sway your strength by their own misperceptions or manipulations.  Trust what you know of yourself. 

Be where you long to be; trust your own belonging and knowing.  It is my duty to tell you this time belongs to you.