Waterperry Church

Friday, 31 August 2018

Fact or Fiction

 If you were given 7 out of 20 pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, it would be plain to see that you do not have all of the pieces to make up the picture. In life, we become adept at gathering data as we go and trying to form analogies or patterns to make us feel comfortable in an uncomfortable (new) scenario. However, when it comes to grasping new concepts, it will not be apparent at the time whether we have all of the pieces of the picture to make up a true perspective. These days, conjecture seems acceptable, especially in the eyes of Social media, where conjecture has become the food that fuels many hungry machines.
 What if, when we’re about to spout our latest conjecture/theory, we instead ask ourselves “Now, what are the facts? What do I really know?” and take it from there – maybe fleshing out the subject matter with some research from a reliable source. How many people want to be bothered with doing that in what has become an on-demand society? Patience is not a common virtue these days, but spouting the latest revelation is, no matter how ill founded.
 Now, I’m not trying to knock back those who share their frequent viewpoints, but there’s already masses of misinformation on the web which begs another  question: “Why do I want to put this idea out there? What am I seeking to prove? Who is this information going to help?” If you can put hand on heart and quantify that, go ahead – share away.
 Bearing in mind that we are all very different from each other, is there any point in sharing our conjecture routinely just to tick the box of ought-to-postings that feed the latest algorithms of the social media machines? Isn’t that exactly what they want us to do? Hmm, does that feed independent thinking or even feeling? I leave you to decide.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Changeable weather

Fighting with the self over what can never be is fruitless.  It only serves to create more inner conflict and a downward spiral begins.  It helps to view your emotions like passing clouds - always changing and moving through the world at different speeds, creating differing weather patterns as they do so.  A holier-than-though approach does not assume responsibility; do not wait for your sky to be so full of clouds that only a major storm can wash them away.  Start again with the blue sky and notice each wisp that wanders across it, and when a bigger cloud comes along and creates a feeling within you, ask your true self how you would like to deal with this in a way that's aligned with your sacred self, so the cloud keeps moving and does not create a blockage for the storm clouds to gather behind.  And when the wind is as soft as a breath, then you must breath more consciously to keep those clouds moving along.

The unison of physical and mental effort keeps your vital force strong enough to have flow in your life.  With this constant steady flow, you will notice that many things that revolve around drama cease to have relevance in your life, and as the observer, you notice there are only choices - choices of what to keep and what to let go of; less resistance, more flow; a gentle meandering between life's obstacles.  Fortunes may change but not nearly as much as energies.  Being discerning about what to hold and what to release makes energy more readily available. 

Do not become attached to outcomes, for that will be your undoing; an expectation is an emotional investment that is difficult to recall once spent, and yet it never had a target beyond that which you imagined or hoped for.  Do not build castles out of dreams that vaporise in a puff of smoke; know instead what your values are, and align your reality with them, because they are the mortar of your foundations and give you the stability you seek.  You do not have to share them with anyone for them to be valid - just knowing them for yourself is enough.  Make friends with yourself; love yourself and create that which you desire from others within your own heart.

Fallibility is a human trait so do not judge harshly for what you yourself have been guilty of.  Just change direction as you need to and allow others to do the same.  One more thing - be at peace within yourself - watch how you talk about yourself so that you nurture your being and neither need nor expect others to do it for you.  Invest in yourself and you will encourage others to do so with good grace.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Seed to Soul ..

From the moment our seed spirit enters the physical form, it seems we become ‘trapped’ and feel as if we are stuck on the inside, always looking out.  The husk takes it’s form, then, after entering into this sometimes harsh world, hardens and becomes cold – perhaps almost dead – to the outside world (depending upon how difficult early life was).

The seed tumbles through it’s environment, looking for somewhere to put down roots.  From the time we reach adulthood, we have a few dalliances with the excitements of living, then move into more sombre depths of life’s machinery.  The frustrations of the spirit begin to make occasional appearances, and in an attempt to listen to these often startling appearances, we make cursory attempts to lull the spirit back to it’s confinement, pursuing whatever appeasement we think fit at the time.  Any of these attempts can become longer term persuits - we may try several over the decades - but none will bear fruit until we have truly wintered and frozen to our very depths. 

So within those frozen depths, as we await germination (probably mid-life),  we reach a point of questioning the very point of our existence, as the bulk of it may have seemed meaningless for those more spiritually advanced beings.  The answers are a long time coming, for time has no place in the bigger picture of the universe, and our resolve to be here is tested yet further.

Eventually, there comes a point when it serves no purpose to put up a fight with our destiny – that only serves to delay our personal epiphany.  No, what eventually must happen is a cessation of all resistance, and if you can catch it out, to duck the ego that insists on keeping us safe within the familiar.  Only then can we reach that state of acceptance where we realise that anything and everything only exists in so far as what we create within our own minds.  Notice the way many physical bodies begin to break down as they dutifully mirror how and what we think or hold onto – as the mind tires of existance, so too does the body reflect.  If we show our vessel (body) the respect it deserves for holding our precious spirit, why would we ever allow it to degenerate or come to harm? 

Reconnecting to our source is all we ever search for, and the blessings found therein are synonymous with the glow of love.  We can really blossom if we allow love to flow to each of us from the source.  If we aspire to make that connection, then we can truly appreciate the way love flows within us – through us – around us. Any limitations we perceive are held in our mind and body and thus restrict the spirit.  Free the mind - free the body - free the spirit. 

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

For those who know ...

The bestowers of ideas have not fallen prey to a single influence of the multitudes who wallow in self pity.  They are elevated above such common theories, so that those who are able to reach such high frequencies can pluck them from their vibrational level.

Those who aspire to greater things will always be led towards what helps them to grow, not only in thought but also in deed. Forever languishing in the tepid waters of mediocrity is not for everyone. The quiet watchful ones will win the day for the most part. Bring on the strong and brave to lead a wave of newcomers who will become the driving force to the masses, in order to help the many.

Forging ahead with focus and purpose is what is required if mankind is to make this transition into his new manifestation. So clear away that which hides you, take the mask from your eyes and get to work on the tasks you are here for.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Happy days in different ways

Fear not, dear pilgrim ‘pon this day,
For as you gently walk your way,
The world has turned and now holds sway
A new tomorrow is here today!
The twists and turns that your life holds
Have brought you to this time ~ behold!
All the pieces now in place,
To make you whole and win your race.
Be gentle as time settles in –
New ways to be, begin again.
Be gentle to yourself and then
Your heart will feel renewed and when
Your true self shines, as is its right,
Your life will bloom, as day to night.
Go forth and create your best yet -
The time is now to place your bet.
As every gesture you create

Can bring success, your life awaits.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Breaking free ...

So here am I, ‘neath darkened sky
Vision turned in, not out through eye,
Where feelings dwell and motions yearn
For days long gone, ‘for tides did turn.

Where days of laughter, love and cheer
Were once the order of the year.
But times did change and I for one
Remembered times I thought were gone.

The times when my mind wandered forth
To vistas new in south or north,
Where who knows what, or when or why
Would land freely, before my eyes.

To excite, stimulate and flow,
Adventure causes me to grow!
Delight in joys of wondrous life
To counter all my worldly strife.

The journey of an open mind
Belongs to me and what I find.
Where limits are not yours to set
But mine to break, freedom to get.

Agd 6/1/2015

Saturday, 8 November 2014

What is love anyway?

I awoke today with the Howard Jones song “What is love” running through my head.

“I love you whether or not you love me.
I love you even if you think that I don't.
Sometimes I find you doubt my love for you, but I don't mind -
Why should I mind, why should I mind?

What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway?
What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway?

Can anybody love anyone so much that they will never fear,
Never worry, never be sad?
The answer is they cannot love this much - nobody can.
This is why I don't mind you doubting …

And maybe love is letting people be just what they want to be.
The door always must be left unlocked
To love, when circumstance may lead someone away from you
And not to spend the time just doubting.”

The concept of love is a topic that many have pondered over the centuries.
My own conclusion is that the word ‘love’ is used by many to describe the very best feeling they’ve ever experienced … thus far.  There’s no way to know if that’s real love, or indeed what real love is.  Personally, I feel that the word ‘love’ is greatly overused.  Perhaps ‘love’ can be attributed to the feeling of bliss that is our natural birthright, but that many never truly experience.  If you’ve had a glimpse of, or come to know this kind of bliss, you’ll know what I mean.

There are many who, through no fault of their own, suffer low self-esteem that is rooted in their childhood and who generate an elevated sense of self to move them away from their feeling of low self esteem.  During this kind of self-generated euphoria, attachments can be made to a person or thing and termed ‘love’ within their frame of reference, especially if that thing/person seems to have a purpose in their life.  Of course, relationships founded in such a situation can be extremely hard to release because they’ve come to be relied upon.

Love can be many things to many people, but perhaps it is only ever a measure of one’s own awareness or perception, and how far that has extended.  Is it any wonder that we as a species become so attached to the concept of love when it holds the promise of anything we want it to be, yet is such a tall order to fulfill?

AGD 8/11/14