Waterperry Church

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Happy days in different ways

Fear not, dear pilgrim ‘pon this day,
For as you gently walk your way,
The world has turned and now holds sway
A new tomorrow is here today!
The twists and turns that your life holds
Have brought you to this time ~ behold!
All the pieces now in place,
To make you whole and win your race.
Be gentle as time settles in –
New ways to be, begin again.
Be gentle to yourself and then
Your heart will feel renewed and when
Your true self shines, as is its right,
Your life will bloom, as day to night.
Go forth and create your best yet -
The time is now to place your bet.
As every gesture you create

Can bring success, your life awaits.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Breaking free ...

So here am I, ‘neath darkened sky
Vision turned in, not out through eye,
Where feelings dwell and motions yearn
For days long gone, ‘for tides did turn.

Where days of laughter, love and cheer
Were once the order of the year.
But times did change and I for one
Remembered times I thought were gone.

The times when my mind wandered forth
To vistas new in south or north,
Where who knows what, or when or why
Would land freely, before my eyes.

To excite, stimulate and flow,
Adventure causes me to grow!
Delight in joys of wondrous life
To counter all my worldly strife.

The journey of an open mind
Belongs to me and what I find.
Where limits are not yours to set
But mine to break, freedom to get.

Agd 6/1/2015

Saturday, 8 November 2014

What is love anyway?

I awoke today with the Howard Jones song “What is love” running through my head.

“I love you whether or not you love me.
I love you even if you think that I don't.
Sometimes I find you doubt my love for you, but I don't mind -
Why should I mind, why should I mind?

What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway?
What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway?

Can anybody love anyone so much that they will never fear,
Never worry, never be sad?
The answer is they cannot love this much - nobody can.
This is why I don't mind you doubting …

And maybe love is letting people be just what they want to be.
The door always must be left unlocked
To love, when circumstance may lead someone away from you
And not to spend the time just doubting.”

The concept of love is a topic that many have pondered over the centuries.
My own conclusion is that the word ‘love’ is used by many to describe the very best feeling they’ve ever experienced … thus far.  There’s no way to know if that’s real love, or indeed what real love is.  Personally, I feel that the word ‘love’ is greatly overused.  Perhaps ‘love’ can be attributed to the feeling of bliss that is our natural birthright, but that many never truly experience.  If you’ve had a glimpse of, or come to know this kind of bliss, you’ll know what I mean.

There are many who, through no fault of their own, suffer low self-esteem that is rooted in their childhood and who generate an elevated sense of self to move them away from their feeling of low self esteem.  During this kind of self-generated euphoria, attachments can be made to a person or thing and termed ‘love’ within their frame of reference, especially if that thing/person seems to have a purpose in their life.  Of course, relationships founded in such a situation can be extremely hard to release because they’ve come to be relied upon.

Love can be many things to many people, but perhaps it is only ever a measure of one’s own awareness or perception, and how far that has extended.  Is it any wonder that we as a species become so attached to the concept of love when it holds the promise of anything we want it to be, yet is such a tall order to fulfill?

AGD 8/11/14

Friday, 3 January 2014

Flinging out the old, winging in the new ...

At last, we have left behind 2013 - a year which was challenging for most, to say the least. The collective sigh of relief has faded and we carefully tend our flames of hope and desire, now tempered by the caution of experience.  A quiet sense of strength has become evident in some, whilst others feel like buckling under the omnipresent feeling of struggle that seems to prevail these days.  No, this is not a depressing dialogue, merely one that encourages you to stand still for a moment and take stock of where we are as individuals - what we need to pay attention to in order to create momentum, and what loose ends we need to tend to release us from that which holds us back.

Life is made up of events that carry each of us in the direction of fulfilling our highest potential; the journey is defined by our choices, and therefore we choose the lessons that move us towards that potential.  None of the events en route are accidents - we are all players in joint experiences in a common refining process that will ultimately lead to mutation.

On a physical level, these changes - or shall we say adaptations - may manifest as new aches and pains that we haven't previously experienced - seemingly coming 'out of the blue', as deep emotional issues that were locked into the body begin to loosen their hold.  Pains appear out of nowhere as the body shouts its' need for freedom from limiting beliefs and constricting emotions.  For those who have become receptive to its prompting, the 'voice within' can be apt to shock by it's strength - it is certainly not going to be ignored any longer.  

So, be prepared to ponder what might be happening as your body expresses its needs; be prepared to experiment with different practices or healing modalities in order to attend to these needs, but above all, be prepared to listen.  Your body speaks very literally - it can achieve nothing by being cryptic - so a simple willingness to observe, listen and learn is all that is required.  Become one with your body, rather than allowing the controlling mind to govern all action towards the body; give your body the nourishment, exercise, light and rest that it needs to flourish - not just to survive.  It is time to acknowledge that it is the body that shows us the way - the mind merely helps with navigation.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

'D' is for drama, 'R' is for relationship

Hands up who's yet to notice that current energetic influences have shone a very bright spotlight upon every type of relationship?  Hmm, it's been interesting for the last few weeks, to say the least, so let's consider how some dynamics might play out so that at least some people can sigh with relief knowing that it's not just them who's being put through the mill of emotion and that many others are experiencing similar in their own lives.

Whether short or long term, personal, parent/child, working, friendship or fleeting stranger - all relationships will have been having issues of late.  This is no surprise now that we are in a time of great change in so many ways, as relationships are the very vehicle by which any of us can learn about ourselves and the other.  Of late, I've noticed several long term relationships flounder, family relationships have struggled with a spanner in the works and newer relationships have had to rapidly lay foundations and boundaries if they are to survive.  Even in the work environment, dynamics have been squeezed and sudden change has been the result for some.  

As we look around, we would be forgiven for feeling unsettled as the emotional landscape has been changing so quickly.  Current planetary influences now highlight the importance of being free to be your true self, no matter what anyone around you thinks, no matter what the 'rules' have been thus far.  I'm sure many have felt like throwing caution to the wind as the pressure to break out of restrictive circumstances just became too much to contain, and who could blame them?  

One of the ways I try to work out what's going on when relationship problems arise is to consider the various archetypes that make up my persona, and consider which of these might be out of balance and displaying its negative side.  To quote from Carl Jung/Caroline Myss, "archetypes are psychological patterns derived from historical roles in life, such as Mother, Child, Trickster, Prostitute, Servant and become personalised when they're part of your own psyche"  It is believed that the 12 archetypes we are born with provide the foundation for personality, drives, feelings, beliefs, motivations and actions.  For instance - 
The Fool - Light attribute: fearlessly revealing emotion, helping people laugh at absurdity and hypocrisy.  Shadow attributes: using humour to wound rather than liberate, denial of your emotional truth.
or The Saboteur - Light attribute: highlights your fear of self-empowerment and the changes it would bring to your life.  Shadow attribute: induces self-destructive behaviour or the desire to undermine others.
The reason I mention this strategy is that in some people, perhaps those who have invested years of energy into one particular aspect of their lives (study, career, etc) in pursuit of a particular goal, are surprised and puzzled when another aspect of their lives fails to thrive and live up to their hopes, yet it is no wonder when we have several different sides to our nature or many parts to the whole.  If we are to progress upon a solid foundation, we need to 'grow' all aspects of our persona and pay attention to any aspects that require time to heal, investing whatever time is necessary.  The negative aspects usually show as behavioural traits that are out of character so listen to the words others use about us as they reflect back what they see, for at such times, it's difficult to be subjective. 

Personal growth is offered on the plate of relationship many times during our lifetime - sometimes the portion is manageable and we willingly accept with some personal insight ensuing; sometimes it seems huge and we turn away from the challenge and its subsequent growth potential to follow a familiar path, only to have the same trial return at a later date but this time bigger.  Having the humility to accept the challenges of life that relationships bring and to keep checking in with ourselves about what is important to us as individuals takes persistence.  The return on this tenacity can lead to a fulfilled life, a feeling that by the end of it, you've done and achieved much and your purpose here has been meaningful.  

Friday, 16 November 2012

Open hearts and minds

Those fallen from grace shall become as children in the eyes of God, knowing nothing of the world at large, only the guidance of the mothers hand.  We must learn to forgive the transgressions of those ‘children’ and lead by example.  The bricks and mortar of society – of our foundations – truly depend upon those of us who are awake to the realities of this world.

The rising tide of dissent that threatens to engulf us can only be stemmed by an increase in the amount of love felt and conveyed by those who choose to feel.  Following blindly is no longer an option, for the path of the sheep leads nowhere.

Gratitude and forgiveness open our hearts and minds, rendering judgement benign.  Familiar ways become forgotten as an open mind seeks delight in new ways.  Forgotten roots are uncovered and a sense of belonging in where you really are emerges.  With that knowledge, we become strong again, no longer paying heed to the myths of modern mans hierarchy.  Forge ahead into your own unknown, giving life to that which you dream of, for only then will the light within you grow to a sustainable level. 

Channelled 16th Nov 2012

Friday, 21 September 2012

A click of the heels and three turns ...

Many people assumed, when they heard I was moving to Bath, that it involved having a job to go to or it was because of a man.  Neither of these applied, it was a case of a powerful urge to move, knowing that my time in Tring was over and it was simply time to move on.  Where to go was tricky for a little while - gut feel only told me it would be somewhere in the west country, so I kept mentally scouring Devon until one night I had a dream....
In the dream, I opened my front door and saw the city of Bath spread before me - woohoo!  That was all the prompt I needed to begin making concrete plans - at last, a focus!

So, 3 months of fervent activity ensued, getting rid of as much 'stuff' as possible from the house my boys and I had shared over the previous 6 years.  It was tough, but also somehow exhilarating as multiple trips to the charity shops and the tip opened up patches of wall and floor that hadn't seen light of day for sometime.  Not long before my move, the boys moved out to their respective places and suddenly whole rooms were empty.  Had I really managed to get rid of enough stuff to downsize to a 2 bed flat?

Moving days (one day to pack up in Tring and one to unload in Bath) arrived and loading up went like clockwork, even though my packing wasn't finished until that very morning (partly due to a late assignation with a hot date the night before!).  Only one glitch marred what was a smooth day and that was that I'd forgotten to defrost the freezer - doh!  But hey, what's a couple of hours delay in a lifetime of change?  No big deal.  I drove down to stay in Chippenham overnight before going to collect the keys to my new flat the next morning.

The day of my move into Bath arrived with more than a tinge of anticipation.  The agent involved in the deal had swanned off to spend summer at his pad in France leaving his cold young cohort to hold the fort.  'Cold young cohorts', especially the estate agent variety, are renowned for using the bare minimum of their limited time upon the people who actually pay them, so communication was brief as I duly waited for him to trawl the archives of his computer to find the relevant paperwork.  Eventually I was free to leave with the keys in my already tired hand, eager to set foot in the property I'd checked out a month earlier.

First thing I noticed was how much smaller the rooms were than I'd remembered - it was evident that memory does indeed play tricks when desire has a vested interest.  The second thing I'd conveniently forgotten was that the flat was actually up 4 flights of stairs, not 2 as I'd thought (and told the removal company) - oops!.  A quick check in the kitchen cupboards revealed that the landlady's pots and pans, still with the evidence of the previous occupants food attached to them, were still filling the very limited cupboard space.  A phone call to agent and landlady set what I'd hoped would be wheels in motion but nothing happened.  Instead, boxes very quickly filled up all the available working space in the narrow kitchen so it became a game of shuffle the boxes as we tried to empty some so we could in turn fill the empty boxes with the contents of the cupboards.  The dirty cupboards then needed a clean - not a great start and added further to already elevated stress levels.  Added to this, it became evident after a couple of hours unloading that I wouldn't be able to fit all of my furniture in the flat so I had to take the decision to let several pieces go without even knowing how or where.  A solution was found and my dining table & chairs, rocking chair and a wardrobe all duly disappeared, never to be heard of again.  I decided some things you just have to let go of in the face of the bigger picture.

As if all the stress and effort of the move wasn't enough, my stress levels were ready to go through the roof, and I just wanted everyone to go, I couldn't understand why the gang of removal men just seemed to hang around, making polite conversation and offering endless help.  It took a while for it to dawn on me that they were actually waiting for a tip, despite what I'd already paid.  I went downstairs and had a word with the foreman, offering him a note to buy the men a drink. My offer was declined, but one of the team watching from the window thought he had seen a tip given and I was later contacted by a colleague trying to settle an argument, as the issue had been a source of bickering amongst the men since my move.  Why is nothing straight forward anymore?

Well, all of that was 6 weeks ago now and I'm happily settled here in Larkhall, Bath.  I have to say - this village is rather lovely - all conveniences on hand, including a post office (a rarity these days) and a rather wonderful little french cafe that opened about the time I moved here (stroke of luck or what?).  The sun has done a lot of shining and I've come to enjoy the walk into town and back, barely noticing the hills, uneven pavements and my 4 flights of stairs.  Sometimes I go for a rekky on my bike to suss out the lie of the land - the car mainly gets used to take me dancing these days so petrol usage is halved.

The major difference since moving here has been having a man in my life again.  Although its only weekends, it's been quite an adjustment for an independent woman like me to make and I've had more than a few of my previous ideas turned upside down - good job I can laugh at myself.

Despite some good referrals which are ongoing, work is slow at returning but I'm confident that October will bring a new batch of clients.  In the meantime, I'll keep an eye out for other creative opportunities, or perhaps make some of my own.  We shall see what transpires in the fullness of time, but one thing is for sure, there's plenty going on here so it won't be long before I glimpse a new avenue to explore.