Waterperry Church

Friday, 3 January 2014

Flinging out the old, winging in the new ...

At last, we have left behind 2013 - a year which was challenging for most, to say the least. The collective sigh of relief has faded and we carefully tend our flames of hope and desire, now tempered by the caution of experience.  A quiet sense of strength has become evident in some, whilst others feel like buckling under the omnipresent feeling of struggle that seems to prevail these days.  No, this is not a depressing dialogue, merely one that encourages you to stand still for a moment and take stock of where we are as individuals - what we need to pay attention to in order to create momentum, and what loose ends we need to tend to release us from that which holds us back.

Life is made up of events that carry each of us in the direction of fulfilling our highest potential; the journey is defined by our choices, and therefore we choose the lessons that move us towards that potential.  None of the events en route are accidents - we are all players in joint experiences in a common refining process that will ultimately lead to mutation.

On a physical level, these changes - or shall we say adaptations - may manifest as new aches and pains that we haven't previously experienced - seemingly coming 'out of the blue', as deep emotional issues that were locked into the body begin to loosen their hold.  Pains appear out of nowhere as the body shouts its' need for freedom from limiting beliefs and constricting emotions.  For those who have become receptive to its prompting, the 'voice within' can be apt to shock by it's strength - it is certainly not going to be ignored any longer.  

So, be prepared to ponder what might be happening as your body expresses its needs; be prepared to experiment with different practices or healing modalities in order to attend to these needs, but above all, be prepared to listen.  Your body speaks very literally - it can achieve nothing by being cryptic - so a simple willingness to observe, listen and learn is all that is required.  Become one with your body, rather than allowing the controlling mind to govern all action towards the body; give your body the nourishment, exercise, light and rest that it needs to flourish - not just to survive.  It is time to acknowledge that it is the body that shows us the way - the mind merely helps with navigation.